On the Media


Observing the Observers

Taking a step back, I want to reiterate why this blog could become a valuable resource for journalism and media studies students and anyone else who is interested in new media.

During the past few years, I've realized how important it is for a journalist (professional or student) to be aware of new trends in media and to be an enthusiastic consumer of media. There's no denying the powerful impact blogging is having on journalism, in terms of empowering journalists to become independent publishers and giving "regular people" tools they can use to document their lives.

This recent development brings up a plethora of questions. Should bloggers abide by a standardized ethics guide? Is there, on the most basic level, a difference between a traditional reporter and a blogger? Will the scoop-oriented bloggers force journalists to change their tactics?

I don't have the answers, but I'm interested in trying to figure them out. And I think other journalism students and professional journalists should be interested, too.


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